Thursday, December 22, 2011

The first Christmas Tree

The First Christmas tree

The first Christmas tree was very different from the Christmas trees of today.
Today’s Christmas trees are lavished with so many things.
The first tree was very bare.
Today’s Christmas trees have so many fancy versions.
The first tree was very plain and common.
Today’s Christmas trees are displayed mostly indoors.
The first tree was displayed only outdoors.
Today’s Christmas trees are decorated with so many lights.
The first tree had only scorching sunlight.
Today’s Christmas trees have so many branches.
The first tree only had two.
Today’s Christmas trees are left up for days.
The first tree was only up for hours.
Today’s Christmas trees have presents under them.
The first tree had only dirt.
Today’s Christmas trees are a plethora of different bright colors.
The first tree was only scarlet and brown.
Today’s Christmas trees are surrounded by people rejoicing.
The first tree was surrounded by an angry mob.
Today’s Christmas trees usually have a star or angel on top.
The first tree had only a mocking banner.
Today’s Christmas trees are accepted by most.
The first tree was not.
Today’s Christmas trees are in most Christian households.
The first tree was only feared and rejected.
Today’s Christmas trees smell like fresh winter pine.
The first tree smelled only offensive.
Today’s Christmas trees have so many decorations hung on them.
The first tree had only one.

So when we look at our Christmas tree this year, lets not forget the first Christmas tree, the cross of Christ, and that our redemption is the reason He came.

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