Monday, November 28, 2011


 In the world today, So many people are struggling with so many things. Yet many of us who are struggling are struggling because we are not doing anything about the issues we are struggling with. Our response to situations is to do nothing , or we just complain about it. Many healthy Americans are out of work. I realize that the economy has attributed to that.Yet rather than complain about it why aren't those unemployed complainers finding other jobs.  Many (not all)  aren't even looking for gainful employment. Their response is to blame others. Many believe that certain jobs are beneath them as well, so they don't even look . I am all for helping people in need. We all have abilities that are God given. We are able to respond to those situations with the abilities we already have. We need to explore all options to solve our problems. Not blame it on anyone or anything else.  God has given us a head and a tail .  Using our heads we win , sitting on our tails we lose. So I encourage all (including myself) to respond with the abilities we already have, to solve our issues .  We all have the ability to pray and to seek the answers from God as well . When we do pray, are we just complaining or truly seeking his answer? I believe we must take hold of our God given abilities and use them to the point of exhaustion, if need be, to solve our problems. If they are truly God given . He gave us them for a reason. So lets use them !!!  

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