Monday, November 28, 2011


 In the world today, So many people are struggling with so many things. Yet many of us who are struggling are struggling because we are not doing anything about the issues we are struggling with. Our response to situations is to do nothing , or we just complain about it. Many healthy Americans are out of work. I realize that the economy has attributed to that.Yet rather than complain about it why aren't those unemployed complainers finding other jobs.  Many (not all)  aren't even looking for gainful employment. Their response is to blame others. Many believe that certain jobs are beneath them as well, so they don't even look . I am all for helping people in need. We all have abilities that are God given. We are able to respond to those situations with the abilities we already have. We need to explore all options to solve our problems. Not blame it on anyone or anything else.  God has given us a head and a tail .  Using our heads we win , sitting on our tails we lose. So I encourage all (including myself) to respond with the abilities we already have, to solve our issues .  We all have the ability to pray and to seek the answers from God as well . When we do pray, are we just complaining or truly seeking his answer? I believe we must take hold of our God given abilities and use them to the point of exhaustion, if need be, to solve our problems. If they are truly God given . He gave us them for a reason. So lets use them !!!  

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Being Thankful

This Thanksgiving has been a real treasure for me. But in listening and paying attention to people , I realize that there are so many common reactions to this holiday...

Some people (very few) are truly thankful, many are cynical.

Only looking at the lack, instead of the bounty (blessings).

 Life is a series of give and take no matter who we are or what we do. I believe that focusing on the bounty is what this holiday is about.

I know that I am blessed. I have a wonderful family, a beautiful fiance', and a lot of fantastic friends.

If we think about it , we all have so much we take for granted.

 If we think real hard most of us can list those things. Either way we as Americans are blessed. Just to be Americans we are!!!

So let's not forget to be thankful and to pray for those who are not ( thankful Americans or feeling blessed).

WE should be His light and his hands to those we know and those who we meet.

Without being too preachy, let us all remember to thank Him and lift those up to His "grace"who still don
't know it.

Do you know anyone that this reminds you of ? Be blessed.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

  I was looking at that phrase  " Happy Thanksgiving"  and in finding out its origin,  it's truly an American Holiday . Yet  many schools teach some different things abouts its origin. Many Schools teach that the  pilgrims who  settled here only thanked the Indians for the bountiful harvest. When the truth is , the pilgrims thanked God for it. Then, they thanked the Native Indians, that had helped them . Isn't that the way you remember the story ? Ask the children around you to tell it to you and you might be surprised at what you see omitted. I think the school systems ( who teach the children) are taking the "seperation of church and state " a little too far.  They're leaving out the facts. In the interest of political correctness, Thanksgiving was,  and still is a day for thanking God in American History.  Don't you think so?

Monday, November 21, 2011

Economic answers ?

With the condition of the U.S. economy and world economy, many people are turning to the Bible for answers .  I think the corporations who are running Wall Street should heed this HOLY BIBLE James 5:1-6.

"Now listen you rich people, weep and wail because of the misery that is coming upon you. Your wealth has rotted, and moths have eaten your clothes. Your gold and silver are corroded. Their corrosion will testify against you and eat your flesh like fire. You have hoarded wealth in the last days. Look, the wages you failed to pay the workmen who mowed your fields are crying out against you. The cries of the harvestors have reached the ears of the LORD ALMIGHTY. You have lived on earth in luxury and self-indulgence. You have fattened yourselves in the day of the slaughter. You have condemned and murdered innocent men, who were not opposing you. "

  Now I realize that this was written a long time ago.  If this was the warning to them back then ,how much more is it happening right now?  I'm not against rich people. I'm for all people but the Bible is clear  about wealthy oppressors and how God is going to deal with them.  I do think that all healthy people should work regardless and let God deal with both( the oppressors and the ones who refuse to work). Also the book of Acts as well as many other Bible texts tell us as believers how we should view and act in our communities when seeing people in need.

About Me

After spending almost two years in three hospitals , having nine major operations and several medical procedures... I lost over 100 lbs.

The university hospital doctors told me that there was no hope of a recovery or I would be living on feeding tubes for the rest of my life. God healed me.

 The physicians who were the only two in NJ who could touch me. (according to the FDA) and I quote them " Your prayers must have reached on high"

 They're  calling it a" miracle"  hence my screen name "Miracle Man.".

I told you this on this blog just to give anyone who would follow this a perspective on me or why I might feel a certain way about an issue.

In the future, I will be posting views or stories on religion, politics, medical issues, family etc... feel free to blog back in agreement or disagreement.